Isabelle von Neumann-Cosel Seat Clinic April 9 - 10, 2019
High Point Farm is proud to have Isabelle join us again to work with our position and seat. The lesson can be formatted on or off the longe line. Isabelle works as a journalist, author, dressage rider and trainer with a special interest in seat position and the functioning of the aids for riders on every level. Isabelle von Neumann-Cosel is the sister of well-known U.S. dressage rider Felicitas von Neumann-Cosel and the cousin of Susanne von Dietze, author of Balance in Movement.She and her cousin co-authored Rider & Horse, Back to Back and directed several DVDs.
The price is $195 per session and there is a $50 rental fee for leasing a lesson horse for longing. There is also a $25 fee if we provide your longer.